Davy Crockett’s Explorer Canoes

The Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes were located in Frontierland at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California. This attraction offered guests the opportunity to paddle their own canoes around the Rivers of America, providing a unique and interactive experience.

To participate, guests would board large, rustic-style canoes and receive paddles to help navigate the waters. Cast members, dressed in frontier-themed costumes, would guide the canoes and provide historical narration about the rivers and wildlife.

The canoes followed a designated path around the Rivers of America, passing by iconic Disneyland landmarks such as Tom Sawyer Island, the Mark Twain Riverboat, and the Haunted Mansion. The attraction allowed guests to experience a bit of outdoor adventure while enjoying the scenic views and immersive theming.

It’s worth noting that the Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes were a physically demanding attraction, as guests were required to actively paddle the canoes. As a result, there were certain restrictions in place, such as minimum age and height requirements. Additionally, the attraction’s availability might be subject to weather conditions and operational schedules.

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